Monday, June 30, 2014

HCG (4w0d)

Beta number 2 is in from 4w0d at 108!!!!  If you remember the first hcg count two days ago was 29!  That is a doubling time of 25.3 hours!!!!! Mommy is also getting her blood drawn one more time tonight!  But she finally has piece of mind that this is a healthy pregnancy!  The nurse set an appointment date of July 21st which will make you 7w3d at that time!!!!  Hopefully she gets to see your beautiful beating heart on an ultrasound at that appointment!  Update: Mommy moved the appointment to July 24 so Daddy could go!  You will be 7w6d (if Mommy ovulated one day late, like she did with Gracyn)....sadly, no ultrasound at this appointment, unless the OB is concerned.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Notice the picture below is over a 48 hour window .....Hcg continues to rise nicely. We get the second beta from Friday back today! We are hopeful the number is 58 or HIGHER! I forgot to mention that her progesterone was upped to 3 times per day rather than 2 given the fact that she miscarried the last time. The OB wants to be proactive this time.  The hard part is that the pills make Mommy dizzy with blurry vision for about an hour after taking them.  Luckily it is only during the first trimester and not the whole pregnancy!  Mommy is also watching her diet trying to prevent gestational diabetes like she had with Gracyn. The OB will monitor her more closely with this pregnancy!

4w2d- HPT

Today the pee line is darker than control at 4w2d!!! The picture is a 48 hour window to show comparisons. Looks like Hcg continues to rise appropriately!!!! Woot! 


The obsession continues!  The 48 hour photo shows a big difference. The difference between the last 24 hours is not the deepness of the line but rather in the differece when line appeared. Yesterday the two lines developed around same time. Today the line appeared before the control line!!!!  POSITIVE VIBES!


I am going with my gut of one day late with ovulation like with Gracyn, which makes this 4w0d! The second Beta is today, by the hpt tests, I'd say it is safe to assume the numbers are doubling like they should!  Prayers !

Thursday, June 26, 2014


3w6d- BETA

On 3w5d Caitlin got a positive test result with a test that can detect HCG as low as 15.....on 3w6d her HCG is 29.  The nurse said this is normal for such an early blood draw and by the chart below, she is in the normal range. The next blood draw is tomorrow (4w1d), which will include progesterone levels.  In looking back at Gracyn's tracking (which Mommy did down to the exact ovulation date), she ovulated on day 15, not 14...... If the same is true this time around, everything is one day off! So tomorrow's draw is either 4w0d or 4w1d. We won't get the results until Monday! :-(. So far, pregnancy symptoms include severe gas, constipation, sore boobs, nauseous at dinner time tonight and tiredness!!!! All positive signs that things are progressing normally. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fwd: GUESS WHAT!!!!!

 Ovulation was not tracked this month, but last period was on May 29th  so guessing ovulation was on June 12 which makes today 11dpo ....Thursdays should be the turn date, which means in two days, Mommy should be 4w0d with EDD on March 5, 2015!!!!!! We are cautiously optimistic.....Mommy has had TERRIBLE gas the last couple of days...just like she did with we pray for rock star HCG numbers! Mommy is also taking the same medication .....prenatal vitamins with extra frolic acid, low dose baby aspirin, and progesterone pills!!!!! PRAYERS!