Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Dear Baby Thompson,
You sure did make your Mommy smile when she saw you on an ultrasound last Sunday with a strong heartbeat of 125 at 6w4d!!!! (see earlier post)... According to, this week your hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities I'm daydreaming about holding and tickling! Technically, you are still considered an embryo with a small  tail, which is an extension of your tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. You have doubled in size since last week and now measure half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry or a bean.
You now have eyelid folds partially covering your eyes, which already have some color. You also have a tiny nose with tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your  brain are growing, and your liver is churning out red blood cells until your bone marrow forms and takes over this role. You also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your  growing intestines is bulging into your umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from your tiny body!
Mommy told me that she sees a change in her belly button already....probably due to the fact that her uterus has doubled in size because of your fast growth spurts!  But she isn't complaining!  
Mommy has had an increase in the nausea department!  The last few days, she has been having a hard time keeping down her meals.  She is not sick 24/7, but the food just doesn't like to stay down! Another new symptom is a change in Mommy's breasts.  They are full, sore and her nipples are darker. ....Just like they did when she was pregnant with your sister.  Speaking of Gracyn, she says the cutest things (wish I could share on her blog....but you are still our sweet secret)..... She reminds Mommy that she is pregnant and not to pick her up.....she is a big girl and will do it herself!

We love you very much!  MiMi 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Mommy had an elective ultrasound today.  According to tracked ovulation you are 6w4d but are measuring 6w6d (2 days ahead) with a strong heartbeat of 122-125!  If you look closely, you can see little arm and leg buds!  YAY!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


This is your first family of four photo!  Mommy is 6 weeks pregnant with you....and your sister, Gracyn is 2!

Thursday, December 25, 2014


You are the size of a sweet pea and just "experienced" your first Christmas Eve!  You are definitely a sweet gift to your Mommy and Daddy!   This week you will be growing like crazy with blood circulating and your heart beating!!!  We look forward to seeing your precious heart beat at the next ultrasound in a few days!!!!  Even though you look like a tadpole, you are developing ears, nose,eyes and a chin.... You even have small limb like paddles forming arms and legs!!!!  AMAZING!  Mommy's morning sickness is in full swing!  She vomits at least once a day!  Her heightened sense of smell doesn't help the situation either!!! A new symptom is insomnia at night, which adds to her exhaustion during the day! But you are soooo worth it!!!  

Looking back at your sister's blog during week 6, Mommy had her name picked out and it stuck!  Mommy and Daddy have been talking about possible names such as Emmerson Mae or Sawyer James....time will tell!  The belly picture below is definitely a progesterone bloat, since you are still sooooo very small and our precious little secret!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


The digital continues to read 3+ (5+weeks!) and today's HPT looks GREAT!!!!  Caitlin got her first 3+ reading yesterday when her blood level HCG was likely in the upper 4000 range. After researching clinical trials, she is in line with most women tested. It is important to remember that these are blood level hcgs because the urine level reads far less!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Want to know how to drive yourself insane?......look below...... With perfect daily progression HPTs, Mommy gets this result today.....YIKES!  Two days ago, the Clear Blue digital read 2-3 (4-5 weeks pregnant).... For peace of mind, she took another Clear Blue hoping to finally see 3+ and she got it!  But the two tests sure do contradict themselves!!!!!!   I am leaning towards a faulty test and sticking with the Clear Blue read!!!!!  However, convincing Mommy that all is well is another story!!!

Update:  Mommy took another test this evening and the control line is lighter again!!!!  Different concentrations of urine or she is starting to experience the hook effect once the HCG reaches high levels.....hopefully she gets a 3+ reading again tomorrow on the digital!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Wow Baby Thompson you are already the size of an orange or apple seed!  During the ultrasound to confirm you are definitely in the uterus, the yolk sac was pointed out and the tech said your heart will be beating soon.  I am pretty confident I saw the fetal pole, but since that was not the purpose of the ultrasound, the tech would not verify (but the comment about your heart beating soon pretty much gives me the answer we are looking for!). We have a elective ultrasound set up for December 28th!  You will be 6w4d then and we should be able to see your beautiful heart beating away!!!!  This week, you look like a tadpole with many of your major organs forming!  Mommy has had many pregnancy symptoms including, heightened sense of smell, sore breasts, cramping, fatigue, constipation, gas, nausea and has vomited a few times...she also has blurred vision and dizziness from progesterone (prometriem pills), but she doesn't complain and says overall she feels wonderful during this pregnancy!  She definitely has the pregnancy glow!!!!!  You are a true miracle and we are all blessed!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Mommy had her first OB appointment!  It went well!  Blood pressure is 124/82, a trace of protein was found in urine (seems to be her normal), the midwife took her history down and the OB did the exam.  She has the same friable cervix that she did while pregnant with Gracyn (blood engorged and irritated)..... So she will be on pelvic rest this entire pregnancy as well!  Poor Daddy!.... He did say he didn't see any blood this time with the friable cervix (great sign....she spotted several times with Gracyn)..... But she might spot after the vaginal check up and not to worry.....She did complain about pain on her left side, so the OB decided to check and make sure the pregnancy is in the uterus.  Not only is there a gestational sac in the uterus, there is also a yolk sac!  RIGHT ON TRACK!  WHAT A RELIEF!!!!  There is also a corpus luteal cyst on her right ovary, which is pretty large.  The cyst is pushing the uterus over to the left, which is giving her left side pain!  The OB is not concerned and said that they usually resolve themselves within the first trimester.  Now we know which ovary produced this sweet egg!!!!


More HPT comparisons!  24 hours, 48 hours and 8dpo-21dpo!!!!!  Yes, Mommy is an HPTAHOLIC!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

4w6d (20 dpo)

The 24 hour comparison was about the same, but the 48 hour comparison shows a definite difference!  The Clear blue digital still reads 2-3 weeks dpo, which is 4-5 weeks pregnant..... Definitely in line with this pregnancy but wondering when it will read. 3+ (5 weeks+ pregnant).  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

4w4d (18dpo)

The first picture is a 24 hour comparison.  The second picture is 48 hours.  

Saturday, December 13, 2014

4w3d (17dpo)

The obsession continues!!!!! Hard not to obsess after two losses. I have a VERY strong feeling that this pregnancy is sticking and thriving!!!!! Below are 24 hour , 48 hour and daily comparisons!

Friday, December 12, 2014


You are not even 3mm long yet, but your brain and central nervous system are already beginning to take shape, and your embryonic form is going from two layers of cells to three. How amazing is it that all this is going on totally undetectable to the outside world? ......But we know your Mommy's secret!!!!! 

4w2d PREGNANT!!!!!

Taking more from the control line (4w2d, 16dpo)! It s a little hard to see it happening in pictures, but definitely evident in person!!!!!  Gracyn told Mommy this morning first thing when she woke up, pointing to Mommy's belly (Mommy had not even talked about the baby yet today) "That baby is big and strong like Gracyn"  I wish I could post this to Gracyn's blog, but toooooo many close friends and relatives read that one.....Right now, she is only telling the immediate family!  It is sad how miscarriages from the past rob you of the joy and confidence in early pregnancy!  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

4w1d- HPT AHOLIC!!!!

Yes Mommy is a HPTaholic !!!!  Haha!   The first picture shows a 24 hour progression since 8dpo.  The second picture is another 12 hour comparison.....You can see the pregnancy line stealing color from the control line!!!!!!

2nd BETA 4w0d

The second beta number is...... 4w0d- 298!!!!!!  Doubling time 39.3 hours from 3w5d - 128!!!!!  WOOT, WOOT!!!!  The OB is so pleased that she does not have to do a 3rd Beta!!!!  First OB appointment is next Wednesday....Mommy will be 5w0d then! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Just as Mommy was bragging about not being sick during this pregnancy, her luck changed!  Tonight at dinner, the chillie didn't settle well!  It came back up fast and furious!  YUCK! The only cute thing about this episode was your little 2 year old sister!  Gracyn patted MOMMY'S back and said, " You sick Mommy? (Patting back)....Awe, you feel better....."  PRECIOUS!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

3w6d (13dpo) - 12 HOUR COMPARISONS!

OMG is an understatement!  These two HPTs are from today, 3w6d (13dpo) just 12 hours apart!  


A 24 hour comparison!!!!!!  The test dated 12/8/14 was the first Beta draw at 3w5d (12dpo) was 128!!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!!!

3w6d- (13dpo)

Missed period is not until tomorrow!  Looks like things are progressing nicely!!!! WOOT WOOT!   The first picture is comparing 3w4d to 3w6d for a 48 hour comparison... The next picture is a 24 hour comparison! Nice strong lines for being days before a missed period!!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

3w4d (11 dpo)

The first picture is 48 hours, the second picture is a 24 hour timespan!  Since the HCG levels seem to be rising appropriately, Mommy has decided to do a blood draw tomorrow!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

3w3d- 10 dpo

48 hours later!  Looks like a healthy pregnancy!  Prayers continue. .... Mommy is going to wait on a blood draw until Wednesday, when you are 4w0d!!!!  She started her progesterone 3x per day, baby aspirin, and has been on prenatals and extra folic acid since ttc. She has her usual dizziness, blurred vision and bloating from the progesterone....but her boobs are more firm and she is already constipated!! She was neausous earlier, but also extremely hungry at the same time.....almost to the point of being shaky! 

GUESS WHAT!!!!!! (8 DPO)

On Monday (6dpo) Mommy felt twinges...Implantation?????  Thursday  December 4th, your Mommy sent me this belated Birthday gift!!!! That faint line is 8 dpo, which is 3w1d pregnant!!!!!  


Tracking ovulation!  Calendar days 16, 17, and 18..... Let the baby dance begin!!!!! (November 26, 2014)..... If all goes as planned, this little one will have it's first Thanksgiving tomorrow!  haha)