Tuesday, December 15, 2015


This little man rolled from his belly to back last week ( just turned 4 months) and today rolled from his back to belly!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Dear Wren,

Seems like yesterday I was writing about Mommy being 4 months pregnant.....now you are 4 Months old!!!!! Time flies! You are just over 15 lbs., 25 inches long, wearing size 3 diapers, 6 month clothes and size 1 shoe. You are on a great schedule of feeding about every 3-4 hours, long naps during the day and sleeping up to 8-9 hours at night!!!!!  Mommy calls you her little chunky butt!  She can't bundle you up in your car seat or you will get MAD!  If she does, you will work up a sweat...so she has learned that you prefer hat, gloves and a blanket....no coat for you or the car ride will not be a pretty one!  Haha!

You are a very strong baby. You love to "stand" and you are able to sit in the exersaucer for a short period of time before you get bored. You love to lay on the floor on your playmat (on your back) and grab at the toys. You even reach for and hold toys, which always go directly into your mouth! Yesterday you had an impressive conversation with me, which included mimicking my oooohhhs an ahhhhhs, raspberries, and sticking tongues out.....Pretty impressive skills!

The day you turned 4 mos. old, you rolled from your belly to your back!!! Your newest trick is sitting for a very short time unsupported between Mommy's legs, before you topple over. You even started scooting forward on your playmat while on your tummy and on your back! 

You are cooing, giggling and slobbering all the time! We probably go through 4-5 bibs a day, just to keep your clothes dry. just before you turned 4 months old, you started showing interest in table food, so Mommy took your lead and started you on rice cereal by spoon....you are still trying to figure out what to do with the food since you can't drink it!  You are still breastfeeding like a champ and have started a new thing where you will suck a few times, take your mouth off the breast, stare at Mommy and giggle.  You also nurse yourself to sleep most nights!  Such sweet moments.

Just like your sister, you are Daddy's clone!!!!....you look just like him, but you act like Mommy did when she was a baby.....a happy and content little one.... a very easy baby!  You are definitely a Mommy's boy.....sometimes Daddy feels left out!  Unlike your sister, your hair is coming in quicker than hers.  You have more hair now than she did when she was one year old!  So far it is a nice auburn red.....I hope it stays that way!!!!

Love you with all my heart!

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