Monday, September 21, 2015


Wren is excited to spend the day with Great Grandma! Mommy goes back to work today! :-(

Friday, September 11, 2015


Bath time with Mommy! Look at his eyes....he might end up with brown eyes. Time will tell!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015


Dear Wren,

How is it possible you are already one month old?  Time is flying by!  Here are important things we want to remember about you at his age:

11lbs. And 21" long!

Size one diaper

Some newborn clothes but mainly size 0-3 months

Nursing every 3 hours on both sides....sometimes a 4 hour stretch at night.  mommy is still pumping 2-3 times per day.  She is guessing he drinks 3-4 ounces each feeding.  He hates to be swaddled, but loves to hold things while nursing with a tight grip like Mommy's shirt, a finger, burp cloth or his blanket. 

REFLUX is a problem....sometimes projectile spit up!  On Zantac every 12 hours, gripe water at night and gas drops during the day!  Hard burper!

Starting to make eye contact, great head control, starting to smile, loves to cuddle, loves being held upright under the arms and bounce.  Tries to coo!  Loves bath time and hates lotion time!  Hates tummy time!  HATES his car seat. 

Losing his beautiful baby hair!  Has very sensitive skin!