Thursday, November 19, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

13w3d- BATH TIME!


Dear Warren,

You are growing up wayyyy tooooo fast for this Grandma! You just turned 3 months old....Here's what you learned last month:

Sleeps in bassinet swaddled with wedge. 
Go to bed between 8-9. nurses one time at night between 4-4:30, wakes up around 7:30/8 in the morning.
Still eats every 3 hours during the day and holds onto Mommy's shirt while nursing!  Sometimes he holds onto the breast like he is holding a bottle!
Holding head up.
Likes tummy time a little better (still gets mad) 
Lays on his back on play mat and grabs toys....can scoot himself off the mat!
Holds toys in his hands and chews on them!
Still spits up but not as much. 
Coos alot. Started little giggles mainly with great grandpa. 
Has more blowouts (forceful poops). 
Loves Your Baby Can Read and the colors on the TV. 
6 month clothes (a few 3 month if they run bigger). Size 2 diapers. Size 1-2 shoe. 
Hair is growing but lost it in the back where he rubs his head (a little flat headed).
Use aveeno eczema lotion and body wash to prevent baby acne. 
Loves being in the bath tub but hates getting out.
Mommy is only pumping one time a day at work on weekdays and only exclusively nurses on weekends to keep supply up.
He smiles at everything. 
Gracyn calls him Warren James and will correct those who don't! She loves her brother!
And best of all HE IS A MOMMA'S BOY 😊