Friday, January 29, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Our big boy! Sitting in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016


5 MONTHS OLD! Wow! You are growing by leaps and bounds! I am guessing you are 16 lbs ....also guessing you are around 25.5 inches long. Now that you are more active, we are seeing the baby rolls disappear....kinda makes me sad! You wear 6-9 month clothes, size 3 diaper, and size 2 shoe. Your hair is growing back in quickly a pretty auburn red and your eyes look like they are going to stay a pretty blue. You look just like your Daddy, but your disposition reminds me of your continue to be a VERY CONTENT and EASY BABY!....and a smiley one at that!  We think you are teething since you are drooling up a storm and gnawing on your fists, and other objects.

You are a scheduled baby....which quite honestly wasn't hard to figure out when it comes to breastfeeding and sleeping. New to your schedule are solid foods! Mommy and Daddy introduced a sippy cup of water or juice during dinner. But you are not a fan!  

Also new to your schedule was a transition to your crib at about 4.5 months. Grandma and Grandpa Thompson bought you the Angle Care monitoring system that detects motion from your breathing in the crib with a video monitor ....which made the transition from Mommy and Daddy's room less stressful on their parts! You on the other hand transitioned like a CHAMP!.....  As long as you are on your side with your lovey and pacifier! 

This past month you learned to roll both ways and sometimes we see you trying to scoot on the floor. 
You love to play with your toys....especially in your jumperoo! You can reach for the toys, bat at them and twirl the toys.  Your eye hand coordination is very good!  We have also noticed that you are more stable in an assisted sitting position.  You also sit for short periods of time before you lean over and topple! It is so dang cute to watch you hit all these milestones!  You've also discovered yourself in the mirror, your feet and your little manhood! LOL

Love you with all my heart! 