Sunday, February 7, 2016



Dear Wren,

You are already six month old!!!! How did this happen sooooo quickly?! You are such a happy baby, we are so very blessed! I am guessing you are around 18 lbs. seems your growth spurt has slowed down now that you are mobile and on the go with rolling, sitting with assistance and playing all the time! You wear 9 month clothes and size 3 diaper. You haven't cut any teeth yet, your starting to get interested in food  but you still hates the sippy cup!

You are reaching all your milestones with rolling everywhere! You know what toys do and how to play with them...shake, twirl, spin, or roll them ! You love to play with toys during bath time and splash around!  And once you discovered your manhood during bath time, there was no turning back LOL! Right now, you still recline in a bath seat....but I bet you start sitting in the tub this next month or so.

You babble all the time and love to squeal. I heard you say mama a few times but you love to say dada! You also love to make raspberry sounds with your mouth!  

You are a cat napper by day and still get up several times a night!  You love to be swaddled, but with your arms out. Here's to hoping your sleeping patterns change this next month. Mommy is tired!!!

Love you with all my heart!


Playing with brother! Mommy Gracyn and brother is his "crib" 😊