Wednesday, June 15, 2016


This little man loves to bear walk and pull himself up to furniture! Still refuses to crawl forward, but tries to stand on his own without holding on to anything in the middle of the floor. I am confident he will skip crawling and go straight to unassisted standing and walking!

Friday, June 10, 2016


The only way for Mommy and Daddy to get some sleep is by using he Rock and Play! He sleeps well in the inclined position! I wonder if they make these in toddle sizes! LOL!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

10 MOS. OLD!!!!

Dear Warren,

You are 10 months old already!!!! At your 9 month old doctor visit you were just weighing in a little over 17.38 lbs and 27.5 inches long! Now that you are mobile, you are not gaining as quickly as before, but I feel like you have gained some since that last appointment now that you are eating some solid foods.   You are still in size 2 shoes and size 3 diapers (you are in the In between phase!). Some 9 month clothes fit, but I'd say most are 12 month sizes....depends on style and brand. Looking back at your sister's blog, I wrote the same thing.....except that you weigh slightly more and are about an inch and half shorter.

You are mobile...rolling, crawling backwards, bear walking on all fours (trying to stand up on your own from a sitting position without holding on to furniture), pulling yourself up on furniture and big toys....but the funny thing is, you refuse to crawl forward.   You do not like to stay on your knees and move is rather comical.

You are very verbal making all kinds of sounds. In addition to Mama, Dada, gog (dog), uh-oh, you also started saying good when you eat! You clap your hands, wave bye, bye and have a shy look (look down) when someone says hi to you.  You have actually been doing many of these things for several months now!

You love your paci, but I don't think you are addicted to it like your sissy was. I bet you will be easy to break from it.. You love to have a blanky up near your face when you sleep and you will hold onto it. You still cat nap during the day and still haven't slept through the night.  You like to sleep with Mommy and Daddy.  One thing I can say is that you always have a smile when you wake up!  You are a very happy and loving baby!  We are blessed!

We love you with all our heart! 
Love Mimi 


This is your Mommy's grandma and your Grandpa Baker's mommy!