Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Warren is putting two words together! What's that .... and thank you! And.... this is the sweatshirt I made for him!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


😂 Joey thought it was funny that I can't go to the bathroom by myself !

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Here are the things you to on a consistent basis:

No longer breastfeeding at 15 months.
Now has 10 teeth.
Now in size 4 diapers
12-18 month clothes, size 3 shoe
Favorite foods: pancakes, Mac n cheese, goldfish and chicken nuggets
Still giving him 1 pediasure a day to help gain weight
Hair is growing so fast mommy trims around ears every week
Knows how to say: dada, momma, dog, hi, bye bye, thank you, ba ba (bottle), no, whaaaaat (😊)
Animal sounds: cow, dog, kitty cat, bird, pig, elephant, monkey
Knows how to dance
Claps hands, arms up, stomps feet
Waves bye
Lays down in the tub now and loves to splash
Knows how to tickle

And..... is loved by all!!!!