Friday, February 28, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014


This is the day we have been waiting for!  Caitlin gets a blood draw today to confirm doubling hcg numbers. I am confident we will see strong numbers....based on last Thursday's hcg number here's what we are hoping for:

4wOd- 59 (actual)
4w2d- 118 (hopeful)
4w4d-236 (hopeful)
4w6d- 472 (hopeful)
5w0d- 708 (hopeful)

Once her numbers reach 1000, the OB will set her first doctor's visit. DOUBLING PRAYERS CONTINUE!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Progesterone Pills

Hmmmmmm the progesterone pills are giving Caitlin blurred vision and fogginess for about an hour after taking them. Hopefully this side effect is short lived because the progesterone suppositories used last pregnancy are no longer covered under her new insurance plan. A difference of a few hundred dollars!  Yikes!!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


So far, pregnancy symptoms are similar to the first pregnancy minus the spotting ......FINGERS CROSSED!  As a preventative measure, Caitlin started progesterone (pills) 200 mg 2x a day.  So far, she is constipated, has lots of gas and pees a lot!  She has only thrown up once so far.  Hopefully that stays under control.  Last pregnancy, weeks 6-8 were her hardest with morning sickness.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Another pee stick this morning!  Caitlin is excited because the pregnancy line showed up before the control line today and is slightly darker than the control line!  I believe the doubling prayers are working!  Thursday seems soooo far away!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

4w3d- HPTs

The line is nice and strong on the expensive HPT, the cheap stick fades over time. Caitlin called and said she had bad charlie horses in her calf muscles last night. So bad that she woke up with sore calf muscles this morning.   This happened last pregnancy too, just not this early. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Caitlin bought the cheaper pee sticks and wished she hadn't!  When the pee dries it blurs out the line and then it is hard to compare from day to day. :-(.   The line is getting darker.... DOUBLE PRAYERS CONTINUE!!!!! Thursday seems soooo far away!  ......Update.... Caitlin just called and said her morning coffee did not agree with her.  She didn't get the whole cup down before it decided to come back up!  Even out of her nose!  YUCK!  Could be a combination of having a very bad cold as well and not being able to take cold meds. On a positive note, it is a reassuring sign of a healthy pregnancy!  

Friday, February 21, 2014

1st BETA

The first Beta came in at 59 (we think at 4w0d)..... But she may have ovulated late or the egg implanted late ....the nurse seems to think she is just early in pregnancy and not to worry. ....but doesn't want to repeat blood draw until next Thursday.! OMG what a LONG wait!  I'm sure Caitlin will pee on more sticks to watch the line get darker for piece  of mind!!!!  I know her tooooo well!  Looking online, many sites show 59 as a normal range.....PRAYERS FOR DOUBLING NUMBERS!!!!  Also prayers that she doesn't start spotting like she did with Gracyn at the end of her 4th week due to placenta previa! With Gracyn, she had to take off work for partial bed rest until the previa resolved at 20 weeks!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



Mommy is pregnant with baby number two!  She has been trying for about 6 months.....tracking ovulation and waiting on a BFP.....after 5 months of BFNs she stopped tracking......AND......tonight she face timed me to share the wonderful news......I CRIED LIKE A BABY!!!!

Her last period started on January 23, 2014, which makes you 3w6d.....every Thursday will be the turn date, so tomorrow she will be 4 weeks pregnant with an EDD of October 30, 2014!!!  Mommy has been taking prenatal vitamins, extra frolic acid and a baby aspirin daily for the last 6 months of trying since she has a blood disorder MTHFR.  Hopefully she can see the doctor tomorrow for a blood draw for HCG levels and start progesterone!

Your older sister, Gracyn just turned 17 months old, and will turn Two years old the month before you are born!  First she says she wants a baby sissy and then she says a baby bruver!  Tooooo cute!  Mommy tried to take a picture of Gracyn with the pregnancy test, but she kept trying to put it in her mouth!  Not good!