Friday, February 21, 2014

1st BETA

The first Beta came in at 59 (we think at 4w0d)..... But she may have ovulated late or the egg implanted late ....the nurse seems to think she is just early in pregnancy and not to worry. ....but doesn't want to repeat blood draw until next Thursday.! OMG what a LONG wait!  I'm sure Caitlin will pee on more sticks to watch the line get darker for piece  of mind!!!!  I know her tooooo well!  Looking online, many sites show 59 as a normal range.....PRAYERS FOR DOUBLING NUMBERS!!!!  Also prayers that she doesn't start spotting like she did with Gracyn at the end of her 4th week due to placenta previa! With Gracyn, she had to take off work for partial bed rest until the previa resolved at 20 weeks!

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