Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Thursday, January 22, 2015
10w1d- CRAVING!
VIDEO- 10w1d HB
Today, Mommy found your heartbeat in the center, just above her pubic bone. Typically she finds you more to the left side by her hip bone! You sure are a mover and a shaker! Makes us smile!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Dear Baby Thompson,
According to're the size of a big prune— a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weigh less than a quarter of an ounce, you now have completed the most critical portion of your development!
You are now swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. In fact we got to see you doing this at the 9w3d ultrasound (3d/4d)....Mommy drank something sugary to make sure you were awake during the scan! Vital organs — including your kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout Mommy's pregnancy.
You are starting to develop tiny details: like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on your tender skin. In other developments: Your limbs can bend now. Your hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over your heart, and your feet may be long enough to meet in front of your body. The outline of your spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from your spinal cord. Your forehead temporarily bulges with your developing brain and sits very high on your head, which measures half the length of your body. From crown to rump, you're about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, you will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches! Wow! Mommy found your heartbeat on the home Doppler, boy did that make her smile! She has also noticed your first movements with popcorn like feelings this pat week!!!
Mommy has thrown up a few times this past week......but not everyday....her intense sense of smell and aversions to meat don't help the situation any! Her boobs continue to be full and her bras are getting tight! She has felt round ligament pain and her lower belly is filling it baby or still bloat? Not sure, but maternity pants and belly bands are a must! She is also very tired, experiencing pretty intense headaches and very moody with the increase of baby hormones raging inside her! But these are all great signs that you are healthy and growing on track!
We love you very much!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
9w3d- HEARTBEAT!!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Dear Baby Thompson,
According to at 9 weeks, you are now an inch long — about the size of a grape — and you weigh just a fraction of an ounce. You are also starting to look more and more human and are no longer an are a fetus!!!!! Your essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form . Soon we will be able to hear that beautiful heart on a home Doppler....we heard your sister's around 10 weeks....but your placenta is anterior and in the it may take longer to hear it! Your organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. Your external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Your eyes are fully formed, but your eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. You have tiny earlobes, and your mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your basic physiology is in place, you are poised for rapid weight gain!
Mommy's waist is thickening a bit. She says she is in the "looking fat stage" and not "looking pregnant stage" due to all the bloating! Her morning sickness and other physical symptoms (sore boobs, constipation, gas, fatigue, frequent peeing) are on and off....not all the time! One thing for sure, she is emotional not only due to hormonal changes but also due to the spotting and the first big bleed from placenta previa and SCH. So far, the spotting is every couple of days, rather than everyday, like it was with Gracyn. We continue to pray that your placenta shifts off the cervix and your heartbeat remains nice and strong! For now Mommy is on modified bedrest. Thank goodness she has short term disability at work!
Not that I am wishing this week away.......but the next time I post a growth update Mommy's pregnancy will be in double digits! Woohoo!
Love you! MiMi
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Mommy has had an emotional roller coaster with you this last week. She started spotting around 7w3d and has spotted on and off since then. Her OB did another ultrasound to ensure viability and sure enough you made yourself known with a healthy heartbeat of 178 ( I am still predicting a girl) and you are not only growing on track, you are 3 days ahead of schedule measuring 8w3d...the size of a raspberry! Your arms and legs can move now with involuntary reflexes and your fingers and toes are less webbed like this week! You even have taste buds! This week you are growing about 1 mm each day and your tail has disappeared. In the pictures below, you are starting to look more like a baby!!! The black spot on your head is your brain! SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!
This pregnancy is mirroring your sister' have implanted on or close to the cervix, which is called Placenta Previa in the anterior you grow bigger, they will closely monitor the degree to which you are on or near the cervix. Hopefully the placenta will migrate away from the cervix as the belly grows. She also still has a very small subchorionic bleed close to the cervix, which should resolve itself. Spotting is expected and she doesn't have to worry unless she is bleeding enough to fill a pad or passes clots or has period-like cramps. For now, Mommy is on modified bedrest until her next appointment in 4 weeks. If the spotting has stopped, she can go back to work since she is in an administrative nursing position, which allows her to sit a lot rather than working the floor with direct patient care. With Gracyn she was released back to work at 20 weeks. Hopefully she does not have to be on bed rest that long. Time will tell.
Mommy's week started off rough with vomiting after each meal, but the week ended with her feeling much better....slightly nauseous at times due to her noise being in overdrive with her sense of smell. And when she isn't nauseous, she is starving! Her boobs are sore on and off....not everyday. She is tired and can take 2-3 hour naps when Gracyn naps. She has also noticed light pregnancy cramps due to her abdomen ligaments stretching with her growing uterus. She has even noticed a change in her belly button....even though your home is still down low in the pelvis. The progesterone definitely has her bloated!!!!
I love you soooo much already! Love MiMi
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Sunday, January 4, 2015
We had already scheduled an elective ultrasound to track your growth weekly (because we are ultrasound-aholics)! If we could buy one for personal home use like we can with dopplers, we would have one! Haha.....Anyways, back to my story....we kept the elective ultrasound prescheduled for today! Their ultrasound is not as good, but gives us peace of mind! This time, we were able to see your beautiful heatbeat via an adominal (not internal) ultrasound! WOOT WOOT! You measured on track 7w4d with a heartbeat of 160!!!! I predict you are a girl! Time will tell!!!!
In the picture below, 6w4d was internal and 7w4d was taken externally!!!!