Sunday, January 4, 2015


This has been one nerve wracking weekend!  Yesterday, Mommy called me about 5:30pm crying because she was spotting pink blood when she went to the bathroom. (once red, but more pink- when she wiped).....after experiencing two miscarriages and one placenta previa, she panicked!  We went to the ER, since it was a weekend.....First off, cervix closed, no cramping and spotting did wane....HCG was in the 85,000 range (perfect range for 7-8 weeks) and low and behold, we saw your beautiful heart beating at 150bpm, measuring right on track at 7w3d!  They did find a very small subchorionic hemorrhage at the bottom of the uterus near the cervix, but told us likely it may bleed a little or resolve itself.  Highly unlikely to hurt the baby due to small size and location!  What a relief!  Unfortunately we did not get any pictures from the ER, but their ultrasound was awesome and the baby looked awesome with an internal exam.

We had already scheduled an elective ultrasound to track your growth weekly (because we are ultrasound-aholics)!  If we could buy one for personal home use like we can with dopplers, we would have one!  Haha.....Anyways, back to my story....we kept the elective ultrasound prescheduled for today!  Their ultrasound is not as good, but gives us peace of mind!  This time, we were able to see your beautiful heatbeat via an adominal (not internal) ultrasound!  WOOT WOOT! You measured on track 7w4d with a heartbeat of 160!!!!  I predict you are a girl!  Time will tell!!!!

In the picture below, 6w4d was internal and 7w4d was taken externally!!!!

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