Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Dear Baby Wren,

Oh how I love saying and writing your name!.... It is finally setting in that you are a boy!  I was totally convinced you were a girl until you proved me wrong at the ultrasound.....no second guessing...you were not shy and showed us your "goods" !!!!

A week and 1/2 ago you measured 3.5 inches long and weighed 3oz.  So I am guessing you are now over 4oz. and 4 inches long.....about the size of an apple or orange from crown to rump!!!!  You are busy moving amniotic fluid through your nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in your lungs begin to develop.  We saw you doing this at the ultrasound.  You would open and close your mouth and the tech saw amniotic fluid in your belly!  Your legs are growing longer than your arms now, and you can move all of your joints and limbs. Although your eyelids are still fused shut, you can sense light.  If Mommy would shine a flashlight on her tummy, for instance, you will likely move away from the beam!  There's not much for you to taste at this point, but you are forming taste buds.  Your head is now resting on your well-formed neck instead of directly on your shoulders. You are beginning to grow eyebrows and eyelashes this week. (All the better to give your Mommy that "Mom, you're crazy" look when you are a teenager!) The hair on your head is also beginning to grow....Hopefully you are blessed with thicker hair than your Mommy has, but chances are....Looking at Mommy and Daddy, there is not much hope in that area!  Thank goodness you are a boy!

Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), you have been having your own little party in the amniotic sac that you call home.   Mommy has actually felt you move a couple of times, but nothing consistent yet!  But it won't be long!  As for pregnancy symptoms, Mommy has had a few round ligament pains as the belly continues to grow and her belly button is changing too! One thing for sure, she is still experiencing morning sickness. Some good days and some bad.  She is still throwing up several times a week. 

We love you Little Mister!

14w6d- MORE SPOTTING! :-(

Message from Mommy:
I don't think my placenta has moved....more light pink to dark brown spotting this morning. His heartrate is fine and he is active
Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015


Daddy did a GREAT job picking your name......your formal first name is a family name on your Mommy's side of the family......WARREN !  Your GREAT GREAT Grandfathers (your Mommy's great grandfathers on both her mother's AND father's sides of the family) were named Warren!  You will be called Wren!  And your Middle name has great significance as well.....JAMES!  That was your Mommy's Daddy's name (your grandfather), who passed away last May!  I am sure he he proud that you are carrying his name and his grandfather's name!  I am also positive that my Mommy ( your great grandma) who passed away just after your sister was born is also smiling down from Heaven!!!!!  You are certainly a blessing to all of us WARREN (WREN) JAMES!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Hey Little Mister!

It is finally sinking in that you are a boy and not a girl!  Mommy is already busy planning your nursery and Daddy is still trying to decide on your name!  

 I surfed the 4D ultrasounds online to get an idea of what you would look like..... Even though I had practice studying your sister's ultrasound pics!  You are able to squint, frown, grimace, and suck your thumb! We saw you sucking your thumb during the ultrasound!  I think Daddy was a thumb sucker, also!  Like father, like son already!  You were measuring about 3 1/2 inches and weighed 3 oz!  Your heartbeat was a steady 167!  

You are starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over your body. Your liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and your spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though Mommy can't feel most of your tiny strong punches and kicks yet, your little  hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active so she is feeling you flutter around like a butterfly.  Every once in awhile she feels a big bop, which she thinks are your kicks!  

On the Mommy front, she is still very tired and still throws up a few times per week!  Her nausea is lasting longer than it did while pregnant with your sister!  But you are worth it!!!!

Love, MiMi 

Monday, February 16, 2015


Hey Little Mister,

I want to recap the moment we found out you were a mister and not a little miss!  We went to an elective ultrasound, and it was a full house.....Grammy Baker, and Uncle Andrew, Great G & G Richards, Mamaw and Papaw Thompson, Aunt Courtney, Nevaeh and Jordyn, Dottie and Emily, Whitney, Corey and baby Kinzley, me, (TaTa was home dealing with frozen pipes because it was 20 below zero wind chill), and of course Mommy, Daddy and your sister, Gracyn......

After a few seconds of viewing you on the big screen, the ultrasound tech paused the screen, called over Gracyn and whispered in her ear.....Gracyn announced she was having a little brother!!!!!  Your Mommy knew from the moment you appeared on the screen....and your Daddy was overjoyed!  He yelled "That's my Son!.... And added that you were hung like a horse!".....all while doing the lawn mower dance actions!!!!!  A moment I will never forget!!!!  

Love you whole big bunches Little Mister!


Sunday, February 15, 2015

13w4d- IT's A........BOY!!!!!!

My heartbeat theory was dead wrong!!!!! Meet Baby Boy Thompson!  Daddy still hasn't named you yet.....but boy is he ever proud to have a son.....and Mommy is in shock because she was convinced you were a girl!  You measured one day ahead weighing 3oz!!!  Your heartbeat was 167!!!!  The first picture is showing off your goods!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


One whole week with no spotting!!! WOOT WOOT!.... In about 18 hours we will be at the gender ultrasound....excited to find out if you are a Little Miss or Little Mister!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015


Mommy has been feeling popcorn pops of movement for several weeks (inconsistently) and then a few days ago fish-like movements here and there......and just now a small kick!!!!  YAY!!!!! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Mommy has the stomach flu.... Poor thing!  She joked that she is the skinniest this whole pregnancy due to it coming out both ends!  While laying in bed she felt a wave or fish like movement from you two different times. At least she has something to smile about even though she is sooooo sick!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Dear Baby Thompson,

SECOND TRIMESTER!!!!  According to BabyCenter.com, your fingerprints have formed on your tiny fingertips, your veins and organs are clearly visible through your thin skin, and your body is starting to catch up with your head — which makes up just a third of your body size now. If you are a girl, you now have more than 2 million eggs in your ovaries.  Just think....one of those eggs will make my great grandchild one day (if you are a girl)!  Pretty neat thing to think about!  You are also  3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weigh nearly an ounce!  We get to see you in 4 MORE DAYS with a 3d/4d ultrasound......Then we can start calling you by name....and Mommy and Daddy can share the exciting pregnancy news with friends!!!!

On the Mommy front, she is still vomiting a few times a week after eating certain foods.....but gained 7 lbs this first trimester.....she continues to be fatigued and combats occasional headaches! But you are certainly worth it!!!!

We love you!
Grandma Dason 

Monday, February 9, 2015


Mommy had an OB appointment today, since she had spotting on Saturday, he wanted to check on the baby and the placenta.  Sadly the placenta is still smack dab on top of the cervix with no noticabe migration off at this point in the pregnancy.....hopefully by the 20 week scan, we will have better news in that department.  If the placenta does not shift off or blocks the cervix, a c-section will be scheduled for a safe delivery.  The OB mentioned the c-section many times throughout the visit.  Modified bedrest continues and if Mommy experiences a big bleed (soaks a pad), then complete bedrest will go into place until delivery. Sometimes a hospital stay is recommended until the bleeding stops....Mommy experienced a partial placenta previa with your sister's pregnancy as well, but luck was on her side then and the placenta shifted as the uterus grew. Similar to putting a dot on a balloon and then blowing it up.  The dot is really in the same spot on ballon wall, but as it gets bigger, the dot shifts upward along the wall of the balloon.  

On the baby front, you look GREAT!  Your heartbeat is 184 as you wiggled around for Mommy.  You are also measuring 3 inches!  This put you ahead of schedule.... Although the tech did not say exact gestational age, many baby sites puts 3 inches at 13w4d... Which is almost one week ahead of schedule.  This make sense since the OB said Mommy's fundal height is a couple inches above the pelvis, which is also bigger than a 12w5d belly!  During this first trimester, Mommy has gained 7 lbs inspite of all the nausea and vomiting!

In 6 days we will get to find out if you are a HE or a SHE.....can't wait!  In the picture below, X marks the spot of the cervix!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


After almost 4 weeks with no spotting..... It retuned today (spotting pink with small clot)!  Thank God Mommy found a nice strong heartbeat on the Doppler!  No doubt the OB will recommend another month of modified bedrest! :-(

Update:  the spotting stopped after about 1/2 hour....later that day Mommy pulled out the Doppler and had a hard time finding the heartbeat in her usual spots....after several minutes and a small panic attack, she decided to move the doppler up her belly (about an inch below her belly button) and there you were! Hanging out with a strong heartbeat.  You definitely are a mover and shaker....Mommy found you hanging out down low in the usual spots this morning.

On the Mommy front, she is continuing to throw up once or twice a day.....sometimes lucky to get a day or two reprieve...then all of a sudden she has the urge to throw up!  At least she is not sick 24/7!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015



Dear Baby Thompson, 

According to BabyCenter.com....the most dramatic development this week are reflexes. Your fingers will soon begin to open and close, your toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and your mouth will make sucking movements! In fact, when Mommy prods her abdomen, you squirm away in response, although she won't be able to feel it. (She does hear you move away from the Doppler each time she listens to your heartbeat! We also hear you kick!). Your intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into your abdominal cavity about now, and your kidneys will begin excreting urine into your bladder.

Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and  your  brain, synapses are forming furiously. Your face looks unquestionably human: Your eyes have moved from the sides to the front of your head, and your ears are right where they should be! From crown to rump, you are about 2 1/2 inches long (about the size of a plum) and weigh half an ounce.  Your sex organs are developed and distinguishable, however, most ultrasound places like to wait until you grow a little bigger before making a 100% guarantee on whether or not you are a boy or a girl! We will find out at the elective ultrasound when you are 13w4d!  I am still predicting a girl based on your high heartrate.  

Mommy's uterus has grown to the point where her OB can now feel the top of it (the fundus) low in her abdomen, just above the pubic bone (about the size of a softball!).  Mommy is already wearing maternity clothes so she can breathe!!  It is true that you show sooner after the first pregnancy!

Many internet sites show 12 weeks as a milestone!  The risk for miscarriage drops to 3% !!!  By the end of this week, we can comfortably say that Mommy is in her second trimester!

Mommy still has all of the pregnancy symptoms listed before.  Sadly she is still nauseated daily and  thew up a few times this past week.  She is also extremely tired....even on modified bedrest....hopefully she starts feeling better soon!  She laughed and told me that if the OB releases her back to work she is not sure how she will do it without her daily 3 hour nap!  Haha!

We only have one and half weeks until we find out if you are a boy or a girl....either way, we will be happy!  Love you sweet baby!

Love, MiMi

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 4, 2015

This date holds two special memories for me.  First, Mommy is celebrating 12 weeks pregnant with you! Second, it is your Great Grandfather's (my Daddy) 70th birthday!  He can't wait to meet you!!!! 


I am just as confused as Caitlin is when it comes to determining the end of the first trimester....(I don't remember this confusion when I was pregnant...but then again, pregnancy was not counted until conception....now there's an additional two weeks before conception....how confusing!)

This is what I found on the internet:

One way is to look at development. This way, 2nd trimester starts at 12 weeks and 3rd starts at 27 weeks.

Another is by gestation - this simply divides the 40 weeks of pregnancy into three equal stages, which gives 2nd trimester starting at 13 weeks and 3 days. 3rd trimester starts at 26 weeks and 5 days this way.

The third is by conception - take the 38 weeks of pregnancy that occur after conception and divide that into three equal stages. This way gives 2nd trimester starting at 14 weeks and 5 days, while 3rd trimester starts at 27 weeks and 3 days.

The third trimester dates all seem to fall pretty close together at around 27 weeks, which is why I guess the conflict doesn't seem to arise there, but there are vastly different dates for second trimester. Averaging them out gives something around 13 weeks, but information will vary as to which method was actually used to calculate them.  

I think we will go with 13 weeks as the start of Caitlin's 2nd trimester, which will be on February 11, 2015.....I keep saying extra prayers for little baby Thompson !


3 whole weeks with no bleeding or spotting!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!