Monday, February 9, 2015


Mommy had an OB appointment today, since she had spotting on Saturday, he wanted to check on the baby and the placenta.  Sadly the placenta is still smack dab on top of the cervix with no noticabe migration off at this point in the pregnancy.....hopefully by the 20 week scan, we will have better news in that department.  If the placenta does not shift off or blocks the cervix, a c-section will be scheduled for a safe delivery.  The OB mentioned the c-section many times throughout the visit.  Modified bedrest continues and if Mommy experiences a big bleed (soaks a pad), then complete bedrest will go into place until delivery. Sometimes a hospital stay is recommended until the bleeding stops....Mommy experienced a partial placenta previa with your sister's pregnancy as well, but luck was on her side then and the placenta shifted as the uterus grew. Similar to putting a dot on a balloon and then blowing it up.  The dot is really in the same spot on ballon wall, but as it gets bigger, the dot shifts upward along the wall of the balloon.  

On the baby front, you look GREAT!  Your heartbeat is 184 as you wiggled around for Mommy.  You are also measuring 3 inches!  This put you ahead of schedule.... Although the tech did not say exact gestational age, many baby sites puts 3 inches at 13w4d... Which is almost one week ahead of schedule.  This make sense since the OB said Mommy's fundal height is a couple inches above the pelvis, which is also bigger than a 12w5d belly!  During this first trimester, Mommy has gained 7 lbs inspite of all the nausea and vomiting!

In 6 days we will get to find out if you are a HE or a SHE.....can't wait!  In the picture below, X marks the spot of the cervix!

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