Monday, March 9, 2015


Mommy had another ultrasound to check on the placenta, since she has a complete previa......or should I say, did have a complete previa....THE PLACENTA HAS MOVED!!!!  In fact it is now about a 1/2 inch from the cervix!!!!!  YAYAYAYAY! Mommy may or may not experience spotting in the future to due a small pool of blood near the cervix, but nothing to worry about!!!! AND MODIFIED BED REST RESTRICTIONS HAVE BEEN LIFTED!!!  Mommy gets to go back to work tomorrow!  Here's something interesting....the placenta is posterior, not anterior which she was told before by this very same ultrasound tech!  Hmmmmm?????  Now we know why Mommy has been feeling you move so early- the placenta is not blocking your kicks!

As for Mommy, she gained 8 lbs. so far! Still very tired, morning sickness has let up, needs bigger bras to cover her sore boobies and has a new pregnancy symptom....numb legs after she sits for a short time! The doc says it is normal....the baby is resting on a nerve!  OUCH!  

Here are some precious ultrasound pics of our healthy little mister: Even though this was not a medical anatomy scan, she told us that he looks like a healthy little baby....4 chamber heart with strong HB 159, good cord insertion, two kidneys, bladder, stomach, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and very active!!!!! The anatomy scan will be April 3! You will be 20w2d then! 

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