Wednesday, April 22, 2015

23w0d- SCARE

Mommy called this morning all worried.... Today she had clear watery leakage.... enough to soak her panties and sweat pants. Since it was 6:30 in the morning, the on-call midwife suggested she get checked out in labor and delivery at the hospital just to be sure she wasn't leaking amniotic fluid. They did the amnisure test... Thank God it was NEGATIVE!  Mommy also checked out negative for any infections. Her cervix was also high and hard,,,, the nurse mentioned she was soft on the outside but she couldn't put her whole fingertip all the way in, since she is hard on the inside.....  She wasn't concerned and said this is normal after your first baby.... Hmmmm not sure how I feel about that!  They did discover high amounts of glucose in her urine (500 -YIKES!), but blood sugar was 98..... Hopefully she can control her sugars with a diet this time!  With Gracyn's pregnancy, she was insulin  dependent in her 3rd trimester.   Caitlin was sent home with no more answers than when she went in.... But thank goodness she is not leaking fluid!

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