Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Dear Wren,

Time is flying by and Mommy is in the home stretch of this pregnancy!  You are a bruiser already... Weighing in at 3 lbs and 10 days ahead of schedule!  Your heartbeat is around 160!!!  You can blink your eyes, which now sport lashes. I hope you end up with Mommy's beautiful lashes.....many people think she wears false eyelashes because they are so long, thick and  naturally BEAUTIFUL!  We noticed just how pretty they were going to be when she was about 3 months old!  Mommy also has a beautiful green/blue and sometimes even a hint of brown to her eyes (depends on what she is wearing)...So not only does she have to die for eye lashes...she has killer colored eyes to match!  Your  eyesight is developing as well as the color of your may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb.  I wonder what color your eyes will be by the time you are 9 months old, since it takes that long for the true color to develop!? You are also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world!

Mommy has been swelling ALOT in her fingers, toes, feet and ankles.....she even has pitting skin when she presses her finger on her ankle.....NOT GOOD!  Especially since she has gestational diabetes, some protein in her urine and now pitty ankles......some early signs of pre-eclampsia ....So she needs to 
keep a close eye on her blood pressure. She had the same issues with Gracyn's pregnancy and it never turned into pre-eclampsia.... Fingers crossed the same holds true this pregnancy. 

Love, Mimi

Sunday, May 24, 2015

27w3d- ULTRASOUND!!!

Our chunky monkey is measuring 10 days ahead of schedule (28w6d)! He looks nice and healthy with a heartbeat of 160 and already weighs 3lbs!!!!  Right now he is in the breach position! YIKES! Hopefully he turns in the weeks to come!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Yep, you read that right!  3rd Trimester!!!!  This week baby Wren weighs around 2 lbs and is about 14 1/2 inches long from head to toe!  He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, Wren is very active now.  He even reacts to light and noise!  While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now.  Let's hope he stays put for another 13 weeks! 

Mommy is now insulin dependent, but I am very proud of how she is maintaining a healthy diabetic diet.  By this time with Gracyn she gained 14 lbs.... This time with you, she has gained around 10-11 lbs....depending on the time of day that she remembers to weigh herself.  She is experiencing low iron, and takes an iron pill daily.  She also has charley horses in her legs and feet, sciatica pain, and several Braxton Hicks contractions each day.  All within normal range this time in the pregnancy..... 3 more days until we get to see you sweet little man, during the ultrasound !!!!

Love you baby Warren!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015


Sadly but not surprisingly, Mommy has gestational diabetes with this pregnancy as well.  After failing the one hour glucose test, they skipped the three hour and went straight to insulin.  :-(. Your heartbeat during the visit was 150! Nice and strong!  Can't wait to see you on Saturday at the new HD 3d/4d Ultrasound!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Dear Wren,

Mommy is on the countdown to the 3rd trimester!  One more week!!!  Time seems to be flying by as you continue to grow stronger!  According to Brain waves for the auditory and visual systems are detectable in your brain. That means your brain is registering things like sound and light. You may not understand what any of it means yet, but you're on track to comprehend an entire episode of Blue's Clues in no time! The network of nerves in your ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. You may now be able to hear both your Mommy and Daddy as they chat with each other. When you are born, you will recognize their voices!  Even though your eyes are still shut, your eyes are fully developed...soon you will be able to blink!  You are inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of your lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when you're born and take that first gulp of air. And you continuing to put on baby fat. You now weigh about a pound and two-thirds and measure around 14 inches (the size of a burp cloth) from head to heel.

We get to see you in a HD 3D/4D ultrasound in  about 1 1/2 weeks!  CAN'T WAIT! 

Love you,

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Your Great Grandma GIGI ( my mommy) has been gone for two years. You are named after her Daddy (Warren) and your Mommy's Daddy (James).....We miss her dearly!

25w4d- MOTHER'S DAY 2015

Wednesday, May 6, 2015



Dear Baby Wren,

You are growing by leaps and bounds.  According to, from head to heels, you now measures about 13 1/2 inches long!!!!  You probably weigh about a pound and a half to two pounds ( an average rutabaga ), and you are finally putting on some baby fat! As you gain more fat, your wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and you'll start to look more and more like a newborn!!!!  So exciting!  You are also growing more hair — and if we could see it, we'd now be able to discern it's color and texture!

Wren  is not the only one with more hair — Mommy's hair is  more full and lustrous than ever!  At least I think so!  Thanks to hormonal changes, the hair that she'd normally shed is sticking around longer than usual.  She is even finding dark hairs in places where she doesn't want to see her belly....especially near the belly button!

Mommy has also noticed that she can't move around as gracefully as before.  The swelling has taken over the entire body....especially her hands/fingers and feet/ toes!  The worst pregnancy systems now include siatic nerve pain, charlie horses in her legs, HEARTBURN and vivid dreams!!!  She has also gained 12 lbs.  so far......But you are worth it!!

We love you!

Monday, May 4, 2015


Mommy had her OB appointment today.  Your HB was 146 and Mommy's fundal height is measuring right on track at 25 weeks!  They checked her herniated stomach muscle bed again and so far are just keeping an eye on thing they are concerned about is the tracked blood sugar levels Mommy while being on a strict diabetic diet.....she will take the glucose test next week and may or may not have to go on insulin shots.  She may even have to go on weekly OB visits sooner than expected.....time will tell.  One thing we know for are growing right on track!!!

Friday, May 1, 2015


One year ago today, your papaw (Mommy's Daddy) was called to Heaven to live with God! We miss him dearly!