Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Dear Wren,

Time is flying by and Mommy is in the home stretch of this pregnancy!  You are a bruiser already... Weighing in at 3 lbs and 10 days ahead of schedule!  Your heartbeat is around 160!!!  You can blink your eyes, which now sport lashes. I hope you end up with Mommy's beautiful lashes.....many people think she wears false eyelashes because they are so long, thick and  naturally BEAUTIFUL!  We noticed just how pretty they were going to be when she was about 3 months old!  Mommy also has a beautiful green/blue and sometimes even a hint of brown to her eyes (depends on what she is wearing)...So not only does she have to die for eye lashes...she has killer colored eyes to match!  Your  eyesight is developing as well as the color of your may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb.  I wonder what color your eyes will be by the time you are 9 months old, since it takes that long for the true color to develop!? You are also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world!

Mommy has been swelling ALOT in her fingers, toes, feet and ankles.....she even has pitting skin when she presses her finger on her ankle.....NOT GOOD!  Especially since she has gestational diabetes, some protein in her urine and now pitty ankles......some early signs of pre-eclampsia ....So she needs to 
keep a close eye on her blood pressure. She had the same issues with Gracyn's pregnancy and it never turned into pre-eclampsia.... Fingers crossed the same holds true this pregnancy. 

Love, Mimi

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