Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Dear Wren,

My how time has flown!  You are growing by leaps and bounds! You are 23.5 inches long and 13 lbs!!! Here are some of the new things are are doing....cooing, smiling, making eye contact, holding objects like Sophie giraffe , sleeping six hours at night with a swaddle having your hands by your face, feeding every 3 hours during day...Mommy thinks you are getting about 5-6 ounces, wearing  3 month clothes ( a few 6 month- depending on the name brand) wearing size two diaper, size one shoe. You lost that pretty red hair on top of your head, but it has grown back quickly!  It is still auburn red on sides and back and more strawberry blond on top.  Mommy says you love bath time, but hate lotion time.  She has been using Aveeno eczema on your sensitive skin and it seems to work for you!!!  Oh yea, Mommy wanted me to write that you had your first big diaper blow happen during your church were gassy and grunting on stage!  Haha!  We love you little guy!  

Love, Mimi

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