Thursday, April 7, 2016


Dear Wren, 

You are 8 months old! WOW! I am not sure how much you weigh or how long you are but you are still wearing 9 month clothes, size 3 diaper, and size 2 shoe.  Your hair continues to grow in a beautiful auburn color!!!.....One thing I know for will have more hair than your sister.  You have more now then she did when she was 18 months old!  

You give us big belly laughs  and open mouth kisses! Your fine motor skills are honing in as you pinch your finger foods and feed yourself puffs or mum mums. You are still a VERY picky eater and are not fond of a bottle or juice or sippy cup. But you will try baby food from a squeeze pouch and you are learning to suck from a straw! Your large motor skills are getting better also, I see you rolling everywhere rather than showing an interest in crawling and you are starting to pull yourself up to objects and furniture.  You also sit and play with your toys for an extended period of time. 

Here are some new things you've learned this past month: You say mama, dada, gog (dog), and uh-oh and baba.  You also learned to clap!  Mommy shared that your newest thing is to head butt her chest when you want to breast feed, once you latch on, you bite her and giggle!  Speaking of finally have 2 bottom teeth!!!

You have recently become more vocal in expressing your needs. If you want something and don't get it right away, you've learned to do a fake cry....if we still don't acknowledge you, then your red headed temper comes out with the biggest cry.  Luckily it is short lived.  

You continue to be a very content and easy baby.....except for the night time routine!  You have always been a cat napper in the day and sleep lightly at night as well.  Mommy and Daddy finally gave up and now you sleep with them in order for them to get a few hours of deep sleep!  Your sister was always (and still is) a great this is something new they are adjusting to.  Speaking of sleeping, I have a precious moment to share.....Your sister sang  you to sleep with a round of ABC.....she was pretty proud of her self and patted you gently as you dozed off!

Can't wait to see what this next month brings.
Love, Mimi

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