Thursday, July 7, 2016



Wow, how can this be? You are growing up wayyyy toooo fast! Here are some highlights of this past month:

*We ask...what does a duck say....Wren will go quack, quack
*Loves to give open mouth kisses!
*Waves bye
*Loves bath time with sissy!
*Sits on a mobile toy and goes backward!
*When he doesn't want something he will push it away or throw it on the floor- like his food!
*Wants something he will grunt several times!
*Started crawling on knees around 10.5 months ( rather than the bear walk with hands and feet)
*Stands unassisted for a very short period of time after he pulls himself up to furniture!
*Humms himself to sleep with his his face covered with a blankie.
*Started sleeping in his crib again, but still gets up once a night to feed, then refuses crib and ends up in Mommy and Daddy's room.  
*Started table foods.  
*Points to Mommy's booby for milk and grabs for it until she feeds him!
*Loves to  pinch and bite- thinks he is being funny!
*Jibber Jabbers up a storm with expression. 
*Knows what the word No means and will cry. He also says No
*Says the word UP but not sure if he uses the word in context yet. 
*Can sign the word more.  
*He has 3 lower teeth with the uppers coming to the surface!
*Size 3 diaper
*9-12 month clothes
*2.5 size shoe
*Plays with sissy and will be vocal when she doesn't share!

This will be a busy month for all of us, gearing up for your first birthday!  
Love you bunches!

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