Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Exactly one year ago,  you stole my heart...  You have turned into a spunky little toddler!  Small but with a mighty redhead personality!  You weigh 17.9 lbs and are 28 inches tall. tall! You are wearing 12 month clothes, size 3 shoes and size 3 diapers!

You are now saying a few words....I swear you say up when you want out of your highchair!  You love to babble and tell us stories! When you don't get things that you want or hear the word NO you will break into an instant cry!.  At times it hard not to laugh but we refrain so we don't encourage you!   You will even cry and say Mama  or Dada to come to your rescue!

You are just becoming a better eater now that you eat table food and have 8 teeth!   You also love to put food on the floor or feed the dogs!  You love bread,noodles, nuggets and pancakes. You even started drinking whole milk from a bottle but not a fan of juices. As you transition to table food and milk, you are nursing less.  I think the breast feeding weaning has been harder on Mommy than you!  It sure was a special time of bonding between the two of you!!!!  Mommy feels blessed that she was able to breast feed you for a whole year!!!!  It will be interesting to see how much longer you breast feed because you still comfort feed at night. 

Your favorite new skills are standing up in the middle of the room on your own with a toy in your hand.  You look around as if saying...Look at Me! You also like climbing up the stairs and taking things out of drawers!  You are also very coordinated and can roll and throw a ball to your sister!

One thing that Mommy and Daddy miss is sleep!  You are still a cat napper for short periods of time....5-6 hours at night on a good night!  Last night you were wide awake at 1:00 in the morning sitting between Mommy and Daddy clapping your hands while babbling away! 

Looking forward to what next month brings.... Love you with all my heart! 

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