Monday, June 1, 2015


Dear Wren,

We loved seeing you at the ultrasound!  My guess is that you are close to 3.5 lbs this week and about 14.5 inches long!    Your muscles and lungs are continuing to mature...we even got to see you practice breathing during the ultrasound!  Your head is growing bigger to make room for your developing brain.....We already know you are a little smartie...You would peek at us with one eye and then kick HARD because you didn't want that probe on Mommy's belly!  Your way of communicating with us to leave you alone!  :-)

 One cool thing that Mommy (the nurse) picked up on was the umbilical cord...she pointed out the 3 arteries in the cord!  Once I realized what I was looking at, it became clear, but it took her trained eye to see it!  With a healthy umbilical cord, you are getting the blood and nutrients needed from Mommy and the placenta to be as healthy as you are!  Speaking of healthy, this trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your hardening skeleton each day.  

 Mommy's fundus is measuring right on track at 29 weeks, and your movements are nice and strong with a HB of 169. She is now on biweekly visits! And will start having weekly NST visits at 34 weeks. You are still in the breech position! They will check again at 36 weeks and they may have to do an external cephalic version ( manual belly manipulation) to get you to turn head down!  OUCH! So far the OB is not happy with Mommy's glucose levels and upped her insulin. :-(. But as far as weight gain, she is up 5 lbs from last month but over weight gain is 15 lbs!!!  Not bad! 

Mommy asked if she could have a birth photographer in the delivery room.... Not sure if we really got a straight least it wasn't a definite NO.  Time will tell!

Love, Mimi 

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