Monday, August 10, 2015

38w2d- LABOR & DELIVERY!!!

Induction Day! August 6, 2015

5:30 pm Checked by OB at office, 1 cm dilated, soft, high, posterior cervix- normal Braxton hicks contractions (3-4 hour).... Most likely due to earlier cervical check at OB's office.

6:30- admitted to hospital!

7:30- put on hold due to busy L&D! :-(

12:15am- hooked up to monitor and has been contracting on her own for the last 6 hours. 1cm and a wiggle (as described by nurse) and a bloody show! Calling Moodley to see how much pitocin to give. :-)

1:15 pitocin started at level 3. Will be turned up one level each hour. Next cervical check is around 5:00 am.

6:30am - dilation still a roomy 1, and they broke her water!

8:30am- loose 3 maybe 4cm dilated, 60-70% effaced, negative 1 station! Great progress for 2 hours!

9:20am- still a loose 3! :-(

10:15- 4 possibly 5cm. 70 % effaced. -1 station. Nauseous.... Getting Nubane to take edge off and zofran. Still no epidural, by chose this time!

11:25- 6cm. Cervix moved to anterior position. We are guessing she will deliver between noon and 1:00!

11:45- 6-7cm. O station. 90% effaced!... Nurse is setting up room for delivery!

12:05- 8 cm !!! Feeling urges to push- lots of pressure!

12:30 wants to push.... Waiting on OB!!!!

12:35- cervix is stretchy and thin but still an 8. Resisting urge to push!

12:50- 9 cm !!!!

1:20- 10 cm- SHOW TIME! 4 contractions, and out he came! Born at 1:38, 8lbs 1 oz, at 1:38 pm, 21 inches long. 9/9 apgars.

Sent from my iPad

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