Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Dear Warren

Mommy is still here and PREGNANT!  but not for long!  Due to being a gestational diabetic, low platelet levels, and a chunkie monkey weighing over 8 lbs at last week's growth scan we have an induction date for set for Thursday night into Friday!!!  Mommy will be 38w1d!  You will likely be born on Friday August 7, 2015 (38w2d)!!! Then on Sunday, Mommy turns 26 years old!  Hope all goes as planned! 

Here are Monday's OB visit stats:

Weight gain 22 lbs. 
HB 140's
Good BP 114/82
BetweenTrace and 30plus protein in urine
Pitting edema
Lightening crotch and low pressure 
Hot flashes
NST- reactive 
Normal Braxton hicks contractions 
Fundal height- 37
Cervix is posterior, soft and dilated to 1!!!!
Lost mucus plug after this visit (37w6d)

Next steps: first morning urine needed to track protein. No food after 3pm on Thursday. One last OB check at 5:00 in his office for final instructions to be at the hospital around 7pm. !  WOOT WOOT!!!!

 My heart is pounding with pure excitement,
Love, Mimi 

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