Wednesday, July 29, 2015




Dear Wren,

Wow!  Full Term!  To be honest with you, I had some doubt in the beginning of the pregnancy when Mommy experienced all the spotting and was on modified bed rest for almost 4 months due to the placenta previa!....And here we are......FULL TERM! I am beaming as I write this!

If Mommy went into labor now, your lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.  Last Monday, a growth scan predicted you are already 8 lbs 1 oz. and measuring 12 days ahead of schedule!!!! OMG!!!!

Mommy has been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day...every day for several weeks now with little progression in the nether region!  :-(  She is hoping to see signs of imminent labor such as loss of a mucus plug, bloody show, water breaking or some serious timeable contractions that she can not talk through!

Here are the stats from Monday's OB visit:

Weight 20 lbs. 
HB 140's
Good BP 110/76
Trace of protein in urine
Pitting edema
Belly Dropped- no rib pain and can breath. 
Group B streptococcus - negative!
Lightening crotch and low pressure 
Hot flashes
NST- reactive 
Normal Braxton hicks contractions 
Fundal height- 35w5d- same as last visit coupled with no weight gain and possible 
transverse position, a growth scan was ordered - Wren is 8 lbs 1oz, 89%, 12 days ahead at 38w2d, head down!  He is fine!
Cervix is posterior, soft but not dilated. 

Love, Mimi

2.75 YRS OLD & 37w0d!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015



Today, Mommy feels you much lower with a lot of pressure in the nether region and she can finally breath again! PROGRESS!

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 21, 2015



Dear Warren James ( as your sister calls you),

You continue packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day! If your weight growth trajectory is the same as predicted from the last ultrasound, you should be weighing around 7lbs! I am guessing you are close to, if not more than 18 1/2 inches long. You are shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected your skin during your nine-month amniotic bath. You swallow both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, which will form the contents of your first bowel movement.

The best news of all is that Mommy has made it to that magic number in the pregnancy where the OB said he would not stop labor, as most 36 weekers do just fine after birth! This is music to our ears! Next Monday you will be considered a full term baby! Mommy has definitely been having many strong, but not consistent contractions! She had an OB appointment a few days ago....Here are stats:

Weight 20 lbs. 
HB 130's
Good BP 128/82
Trace of protein in urine
Pitting edema
Rib pain
Some headaches
Group B streptococcus - hopefully negative 
NST- reactive 
Possible steroids for low blood platelets levels- blood levels being monitored right now.
Normal Braxton hicks contractions 
Fundal height- on track this week. 
Cervix is soft but not dilated and head is starting to engage. 

Can't wait to see your cute little face!
Love Mimi 

Thursday, July 16, 2015



Dear Wren, 

I have been waiting to write this post heading for a long time.  35 weeks pregnant, which means no 35 days left until EDD, since you will be an induction!  WOOT!  

You don't have much room to maneuver now that you may be 18 inches long or more.  I am guessing you are around 6 plus pounds. Because it's so snug in the womb, you aren't doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times you wiggle is still the same! Mommy feels your feet in her ribs all the time.  That is a very good sign that you are still head down!  Your kidneys are fully developed now, and your liver can process some waste products. Most of your basic physical development is now complete — Now you will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.   Another neat thing to report is that Mommy can watch her belly and see you practice breathing! AMAZING!  The midwife said that if Mommy goes into labor next week, she wouldn't stop it!  I know Mommy is ready to meet you!!

Mommy started seeing the OB every week since around 33 weeks along....due to the gestational diabetes.  This past two weeks, she started getting non stress tests to be sure your heart is reactive....So far you are doing GREAT!  Next Monday's OB appointment, the Group B streptococci test (GBS) will be done.   GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if Mommy has it and passes it on to you during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's vital to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why she wasn't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If Mommy is a GBS carrier, she'll get IV antibiotics during labor, which will greatly reduce your risk of infection. 

Here are the stats from the OB visit last Monday:
Weight 18.8 lbs. 
HB 140's
Good BP 112/60
Trace of protein in urine
Pitting edema 
NST- reactive 
Several mild contractions even on procardia.  
Possible steroids for low blood platelets levels. 
Fundal height- one week ahead.... 35w5d
Cervix is still high and closed even with all the contractions!

Love you!

Friday, July 10, 2015


I made these WOOMBIES for a 1/3 of the cost to buy them!!!! :-)

34w2d- VISIT TO L&D

34w2d- VISIT TO L&D

6:30am- spotting- went to Labor and Delivery to be checked: Minus 3 station,
No protein in urine, Cervix is thick, closed, but soft, 40% effaced. HB 160s
No blood in uterus.... Could be a urinary tract infection... Monitoring for couple of hours, but all looks fine with baby!

8:00am- Contractions started and monitored for a couple of hours. Moderate urinary tract infection....antibiotics given. Monitored until noon....still contracting every 3-4 minutes.

12:00- Decided to give her terbutaline (breathine) and was monitored. After 10 minutes or so of getting the shot, the contractions calmed down for about 15 minutes then picked back up. Stronger and faster about 2 minutes apart....If they don't stop... Next is IV....

2:00pm- IV started

3:00pm- 2nd brethine and nubane.... Contractions continued...but no change in cervix.

5:00pm-Sent home with antibiotic and procardia to relax uterus.... Hoping they fizzle out. ......if they don't, she needs to come back.

6:00pm- Procardia taken

7:00pm- No change

7:30- Contractions started to slow down (10 minutes apart)..... Looks like they will fizzle out and Mommy can get some rest!

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I made these blankets for Baby Wren!


Dear Warren,
By now, you could weigh around 5 3/4 to 6 lbs....well above what BabyCenter predicts due to your ultrasound prediction earlier! You should also be around 18 inches long!  Mommy feels you kicking up under her ribs! Your fat layers — which will help regulate your body temperature once you are born — are filling out, making you rounder! I predict you will be born with chubby cheeks, like your sister!  Your skin is also smoother than ever with a coating of vernix on it. Your central nervous system is maturing and your lungs are continuing to mature as well. Mommy has been nervous about preterm labor, since she has soooo many timeable braxton hicks contractions ....I am sure she will be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies. This is refreshing news to hear if you decide to come early...let's hope not! Only 3 weeks away from full term and 6 weeks away from your EDD!  The OB is willing to induce at 39 weeks and maybe even 38 weeks since you are a large baby!!!  YAY! Love you! 

Here are the stats at the 34 week NST weekly visit:

Blood pressure- normal :-) 
Some protein in urine :-/ 
Weight gain varies between 17- 18 lbs so far due to water retention and time of day! :-) 
Pitting edema :-( 
Backache with Braxton Hicks contractions :-( 
Baby's heartbeat averaged  140s. :-) 
Fundus measured spot on at 34 weeks! :-) 
NST- reactive! :-) 

Caitlin told them that she was having regular Braxton Hicks contractions. Some are timbale  and more than 4 per hour but fizzle out after plenty of water.  His goal is 36 weeks ....if she goes into labor then he won't stop it....anything before 36 weeks he will try to stop if it is healthier for the baby and Mommy is not compromised. Of course the goal is to reach full term at 37 weeks and then hopefully the 38/39 induction mark!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015



Dear Wren,

You are a mover and a shaker...Mommy's belly is all over the place! Pretty neat to watch and feel!  This week, I am guessing you are 5 to 5 1/2 lbs. and possibly around 17 inches long. You are rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and your skeleton is hardening. The bones in your skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for you to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as your brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood. Speaking of the birthing process, Mommy has been having several braxton hicks contractions on a daily basis, but so far she can breath and talk through them so nothing to worry about. If you were born this week the big news is that your lung development is almost completely mature. That means odds are you'd be a healthy bouncing baby with a just a little help from friends (aka, the NICU). Secretly, a tiny part of me wants you born on Mommy's birthday, which is a few weeks before your due date!  Time will tell!  

Mommy had an OB appointment on Monday....all went well! Since Mommy has experienced a lot of pressure down under....the OB checked her....cervix is not dilated, still high and thick.  She did have more protein in her urine, has pitting edema, and is gestational diabetic, but blood pressure is good and weight gain is 18 lbs. so far..... Mommy is now down to weekly appointments which include non-stress tests.  First one is next Monday!  Sooooo excited.....

Love you!

33w0d- TRUE LOVE

This mamma can't reach her toes!