Thursday, July 16, 2015


Dear Wren, 

I have been waiting to write this post heading for a long time.  35 weeks pregnant, which means no 35 days left until EDD, since you will be an induction!  WOOT!  

You don't have much room to maneuver now that you may be 18 inches long or more.  I am guessing you are around 6 plus pounds. Because it's so snug in the womb, you aren't doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times you wiggle is still the same! Mommy feels your feet in her ribs all the time.  That is a very good sign that you are still head down!  Your kidneys are fully developed now, and your liver can process some waste products. Most of your basic physical development is now complete — Now you will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.   Another neat thing to report is that Mommy can watch her belly and see you practice breathing! AMAZING!  The midwife said that if Mommy goes into labor next week, she wouldn't stop it!  I know Mommy is ready to meet you!!

Mommy started seeing the OB every week since around 33 weeks along....due to the gestational diabetes.  This past two weeks, she started getting non stress tests to be sure your heart is reactive....So far you are doing GREAT!  Next Monday's OB appointment, the Group B streptococci test (GBS) will be done.   GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if Mommy has it and passes it on to you during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's vital to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why she wasn't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If Mommy is a GBS carrier, she'll get IV antibiotics during labor, which will greatly reduce your risk of infection. 

Here are the stats from the OB visit last Monday:
Weight 18.8 lbs. 
HB 140's
Good BP 112/60
Trace of protein in urine
Pitting edema 
NST- reactive 
Several mild contractions even on procardia.  
Possible steroids for low blood platelets levels. 
Fundal height- one week ahead.... 35w5d
Cervix is still high and closed even with all the contractions!

Love you!

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