Friday, July 10, 2015

34w2d- VISIT TO L&D

34w2d- VISIT TO L&D

6:30am- spotting- went to Labor and Delivery to be checked: Minus 3 station,
No protein in urine, Cervix is thick, closed, but soft, 40% effaced. HB 160s
No blood in uterus.... Could be a urinary tract infection... Monitoring for couple of hours, but all looks fine with baby!

8:00am- Contractions started and monitored for a couple of hours. Moderate urinary tract infection....antibiotics given. Monitored until noon....still contracting every 3-4 minutes.

12:00- Decided to give her terbutaline (breathine) and was monitored. After 10 minutes or so of getting the shot, the contractions calmed down for about 15 minutes then picked back up. Stronger and faster about 2 minutes apart....If they don't stop... Next is IV....

2:00pm- IV started

3:00pm- 2nd brethine and nubane.... Contractions continued...but no change in cervix.

5:00pm-Sent home with antibiotic and procardia to relax uterus.... Hoping they fizzle out. ......if they don't, she needs to come back.

6:00pm- Procardia taken

7:00pm- No change

7:30- Contractions started to slow down (10 minutes apart)..... Looks like they will fizzle out and Mommy can get some rest!

Sent from my iPad

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