Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Dear Wren,

Wow!  Full Term!  To be honest with you, I had some doubt in the beginning of the pregnancy when Mommy experienced all the spotting and was on modified bed rest for almost 4 months due to the placenta previa!....And here we are......FULL TERM! I am beaming as I write this!

If Mommy went into labor now, your lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.  Last Monday, a growth scan predicted you are already 8 lbs 1 oz. and measuring 12 days ahead of schedule!!!! OMG!!!!

Mommy has been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day...every day for several weeks now with little progression in the nether region!  :-(  She is hoping to see signs of imminent labor such as loss of a mucus plug, bloody show, water breaking or some serious timeable contractions that she can not talk through!

Here are the stats from Monday's OB visit:

Weight 20 lbs. 
HB 140's
Good BP 110/76
Trace of protein in urine
Pitting edema
Belly Dropped- no rib pain and can breath. 
Group B streptococcus - negative!
Lightening crotch and low pressure 
Hot flashes
NST- reactive 
Normal Braxton hicks contractions 
Fundal height- 35w5d- same as last visit coupled with no weight gain and possible 
transverse position, a growth scan was ordered - Wren is 8 lbs 1oz, 89%, 12 days ahead at 38w2d, head down!  He is fine!
Cervix is posterior, soft but not dilated. 

Love, Mimi

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