Friday, July 4, 2014

5w0d- HAPPY 4th of JULY 2014!

I think it is safe to say that Mommy is SUPER PREGNANT!  The picture below is a 24 hour window on the HPT.  Notice that the pregnant line is now stealing color from the control line!!!!  This makes Mommy soooooo happy!  In the belly picture below, Mommy's pants are officially unbuttoned for comfort.  The belly is popping quicker this time around due to a few factors.  First, the belly muscles are not what they use to be pre-pregnancy with Gracyn. Secondly, there is a definite progesterone bloat!!!!!  Mommy said that she definitely can no longer suck in the belly!!!!  

You are now the size of an orange seed and you look similar to a tadpole with a head and tail! Your heart is forming two chambers called heart tubes, which is already beating, but may not be detectable on an ultrasound yet.  You are also developing a circulatory system and your neural tube, which will soon connect your spinal cord and brain!  A miracle in progress!!!!! We are in love already!!!!!

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