Sunday, July 20, 2014

7w2d- SICK!

Wow, Caitlin is far more sick during this pregnancy.  Week 7 has started off challenging in the morning sickness department.  Often Caitlin is VERY hungry, but keeping the food down is another thing!  After she pukes, she feels much better....but having vomit spew out of her nose is making for trying times.  Caitlin says it feels like something has invaded her body!  (Ummm, yep!) Another symptom that she noticed today was lactating boobs!  That didn't happen until she was about 7 months pregnant with Gracyn!  Maybe it is due to the fact that she breastfed Gracyn and her boobs just know what to do this time?  Who knows!  At least all these symptoms are signs that the pregnany is progressing nicely!'s been a week since the last spotting episode! :-)

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