Monday, July 14, 2014


We have a baby measuring 5w6d with a strong heartbeat of 105!!!!  ......but let me tell you how this day was stressful!!!!  The whole weekend was stressful with spotting on and off!  Today, Caitlin  waited patiently for the beta call from the OB's office.  Noon rolled around with no call, so Caitlin called and left a message....3:00 NO CALL..... I got off work and went to the OB office and the receptionist pulled up the notes.....not good....hcg is rising but not doubling. We were hoping for 4,900. And it came in at 3740......the OB wants to see her for an ultrasound on Wednesday, which is their first available appointment......WHAT!?  OMG how can she wait that long!  Next best a local private ultrasound place for an appointment. That place squeezed us in at 7:45 tonight!  We were preparing for the worst news.....especially when the abdominal ultrasound did not pick up anything.  Caitlin emptied her bladder and became friends with the internal cam.  With a tilted uterus it took a few minutes and my heart was already in my throat.....then all of a sudden it was there with a strong heartbeat flickering away!  We could not see the yolk sac, but the ultrasound tech assured us the baby had to be on top of it and hiding it....telling us that no yolk sac would mean no baby!  It was measuring 5w6d which is 4 days sooner than we thought!  How in the world can Caitlin get a positive HCG on 7dpo?  Well, the tech believes she has the answer!  She believes the pregnancy started out as twins, which would account for enough HCG to be detected that early!!!!  In the picture below, she pointed to the flickering baby (which made our hearts sing and tears flow).... Then she pointed to the white line just right of the baby.....that is a membrane which separated the two sacs!  The second sac is small and empty!  OMG!!!!!    We questioned the SCH that the emergency room doc referred to.....she didn't see it, and thought maybe what they saw as a bleed on the screen was actually the second sac!  Caitlin said the sac is much smaller than what she saw on the screen last Wednesday....soon it should be absorbed, and Caitlin may continue to spot due to the loss of the twin!  Bitter sweet news....but soooooo excited to see one lovely strong heartbeat!!!!  Now we can sleep tonight!  Tthe ultrasound tech has the date listed at top of pic at 6w5d....I reminded her we thought Caitlin was 6w3d....but she didn't change the screen...and baby Thompson  reminded all of us that guessing on last period can can cause undue stress.....especially when coupled with the fact that Mommy ovulates 4 days off is not a concern!  Especially with a strong heartbeat!  The tech said that if we came in one day earlier, we may not have seen the HB!  WOW!!!!

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