Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Caitlin woke up to more light pink spotting today.  After a few wipes, it was completely gone.  Que the freak out!......an ultrasound was set for the evening to check for peace of mind.  This made for a VERY long day and to top it off, Caitlin couldn't shake her morning sickness.  After lunch she said she vomited so fast and hard that it spewed out of her nose and when it the toilet water, she got slashed!!!!   YUCK!!!!  On the way to the ultrasound I was confident the little bean was fine because Mommy was soooo sick.  We made a few pit stops to and from the ultrasound place.  Baby bean is growing right on schedule ....still measuring 5-6 days behind....at 6w5d with a nice strong heartbeat of 130!!! The tech is not concerned about the measurement since appropriate growth and a strong heartbeat are present!!!!  I know the dates concern Caitlin, but I keep reminding her that if the ultrasound techs and OB are not concerned, then she shouldn't be concerned.  She needs to let go of her anxiety and enjoy the pregnancy!  Hard to do after experiencing a miscarriage with the last pregnancy!  Little Miss Gracyn kept saying that she wanted to see the baby in Mommy's belly (she knew we were going to the ultrasound place). Tooooo cute!

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