Wednesday, July 16, 2014


The baby is measuring in at 6w0d with a heartbeat of 111 !!!!   36 hours ago it measured in at 5w6d with a heart rate of 105!  We were able to hear the heart beating this time!  AMAZING!!!!!  The Ultrasound tech was pleased.  She looked for the SCH but couldn't find one!  Caitlin shared that at the ER visit she thought she saw two sacs, but only one baby....when they said it was a bleed, she didn't question them.....Caitlin did not reveal the fact that the elective ultrasound tech found a second sac, but she did tell this tech that she had a theory of the vanishing twin....especially since there is no second sac present today!  After listening to the whole idea with initial quadrupling beta, then the last questionable beta, plus seeing the second sac earlier, this ultrasound tech said her theory could be right!  She did double check for a second sac or bleed and nothing is visible now!   WOOT WOOT!  One thing we do know for chance for placenta previa this time.....this baby is not even close to the cervix!  She also thinks the placenta is posterior (Gracyn was anterior), so Mommy may not feel movement as early as she did with Gracyn, which is to be expected.  Even with the baby measuring behind, he/she is still within the normal range of development, so they are sticking with the original due date of March 6th, which makes Caitlin 6w5d pregnant!  The OB said she has a friable cervix (blood engorged cervix) with this pregnancy as well, which may cause spotting, so pelvic rest is still in place....likely for the whole pregnancy.  He also doesn't want her lifting heavy things and generally taking it easy!  ..... In today's picture you can clearly see the yolk sac!

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