Friday, July 25, 2014


Dear Baby Thompson,

Mommy is 8 weeks pregnant with you!  Wow time is flying by.  Your big sister is keeping us busy!  Mommy continues to have all the normal pregnancy symptoms....for example, when she brushes her teeth, she has a hard time not puking.  Her gag reflex is in full force.  Little Miss Gracyn is sooooo concerned for Mommy and keeps asking "Mommy OK?"  Mommy is doing great aside from the sickness and extreme fatigue!  This week she went out and bought maternity dress pants for work.  During the last pregnancy, she was able to wear scrubs to work, but now is in more of an administrative nursing position!  These new pants allow her to breathe!  Her non pregnancy pants were just too uncomfortable ....even unbuttoned!

As for you, we will know more at the next ultrasound on Tuesday evening.....will you continue on your normal growth pattern of about a week behind schedule, or will you start to show a growth spurt?  We continued to be reassured that this is a healthy pregnancy since you've had a strong heartbeat since 5w6d, with appropriate growth since!  On the next ultra sound we hope to see arm and leg buds.....hopefully more! You should be between the size of a blueberry or maybe even closer to the size of a raspberry!  Sometime this week, you will measure about a 1/2 inch from crown to rump.  This week, your lips, nose and eyelids will form and soon your tail will disappear!  We hope to see your heart beating in the 150's or more as you spontaneously start to wiggle!

We love you!!!!

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