Thursday, July 10, 2014

5w5d- SPOTTING! :-( and 5th BETA!

Oh no! Tonight after dinner, Caitlin started spotting pink, which eventually turned to brown when she wiped. Since it was after hours at the OB's office we went to the emergency room for piece of mind.  First good sign, the cervix is still closed!  Second good sign, she is not actively bleeding bright red and filling pads.  Third good sign, the ultrasound showed a gestational sac with a yolk in the uterus! And finally the last GREAT sign, Caitlin's HCG numbers continue to rise appropriately. Monday's beta at 5w3d was 1749 and today at 5w5d the beta was 3268!!!!  With 53 hours between blood draws, that is a doubling time of 58.77 hours!  Well within the 2-3 day window!  The ultrasound tech was not very friendly and didn't share much with Caitlin.....she was even short with her when Caitlin asked if she could see a fetal pole.....the tech said NO it is wayyyyy toooo early for that!  Well we know differently! But what is the point of arguing.......right now, knowing there is a gestational sac with a yolk sac and good hcg numbers gives us piece of mind!  So what is causing the spotting?  There is definitely a   bleed just above the gestational sac, called a subchorionic hemmorage (SCH), which is not uncommon in cases with clotting disorders like Caitlin has (MTHFR - two copies- thus the reason for the daily baby aspirin).  Next steps are to follow up with OB for more blood draws and an appointment to monitor the bleed. 

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