Friday, July 18, 2014


Dear Baby Thompson,

Do you know that Mommy and Daddy have already picked names for you?  If you are a boy, you will be named Emerson James (after your late grandfather on your Mommy's side of the family).  If you are a girl you will be named Emersyn Mae (after your Great Grandmother on your Daddy's side of the family).  Either way you will be nicknamed Em!

Mommy had a roller coaster of a week with you, spotting, whacky HCG numbers and emotions.  The ER doc said she had a SCH (bleed), the elective ultrasound tech believes you were a twin and the second baby didn't stick...the bleed was a second sac!  The OB ultrasound tech said the vanishing twin syndrome made sense with all of the evidence (hcg, and bleed), but found no evidence in the uterus.  meaning all has resolved....We will never really know the truth, but I am leaning towards the twin theory!  Bittersweet theory, but we are lucky to have one healthy baby with a strong heartbeat!!!!

Mommy has all of the usual pregnancy symptoms....Heightened sense of smell, sore breasts, bloated belly, heavy feeling in her uterus, some cramps, constipation or diarrhea, tons of nausea and vomiting several times a week, plus extreme tiredness....especially after lunch!  She just wants to sleep, but with a toddler at home....that's impossible!  But taking care of Gracyn is helping the days pass quickly!!!!

As for you, you are the size of a blueberry! Your intestines are developing, the chambers in your heart are forming and your brain is expanding!!!!  Your eyes, ear buds, arms and leg buds are forming!  You also have an appendix and pancreas!  SIMPLY AMAZING!  A MIRACLE!

We love you!

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